Graduate course in Advanced Metamorphic Petrology
This coming winter, I will offer again my annual Advanced Metamorphic Petrology course. This course is open for graduate students at any Ontario university and will be delivered online (synchronously), so there is no real limit to the number of participating students.
Similar to previous years, this course covers many aspects important for the quantitative analysis of metamorphic mineral reactions, including (i) stoichiometry (compositional space, barycentric projection, stoichiometric equations in closed systems), (ii) equilibrium thermodynamics (equilibrium states, minimum Gibbs energy as criterion for stable equilibrium, equilibrium phase relations, molar free energy diagrams), (iii) introduction to and applications of the Theriak-Domino software (phase diagrams, phase equilibria along PT paths, chemical fractionation, metamorphic fluids, buffers), (iv) chemical diffusion (Fick’s law, continuity equation, analytical and numerical solutions, geospeedometry), (v) classical nucleation theory, (vi) crystal growth theories (porphyroblasts, coronas, symplectites), and (vii) crystal growth simulations using the Theria_G software.
If you are interested in this course and would like to register, or have any questions about it, please get in touch.